Nova Scotia Weight Loss Surgery

Weight Loss Surgery Effective Treatment for Morbid Obesityobesity-Nova-Scotia-300x202

Obesity is a complex condition with social and psychological factors that affects all ages and socioeconomic groups. Losing extra body fat is not a trivial task, especially for super obese people.

There has been a need to lose weight among obese individuals. Lifestyle modification including diet & exercise and even taking medication to lose weight have shown to be an ineffective long-term solution. Surgical intervention is a proven solution for achieving substantial weight loss and cure obesity and its related diseases.

Bariatric surgeries offer a tool to persons seeking a remedy for their weight problems. Gastric surgeries performed are either restrictive, malabsorptive, or both. In restrictive procedures, such as Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, the size of the stomach is altered to reduce food intake and, as a result, reduce calorie intake.

In malabsorptive procedures, the length of the small intestine is minimized to reduce calories absorbed from the nutrients. The combination procedures, such as RNY Gastric Bypass, the restriction, and malabsorption are both present.

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Weight Loss Procedures Options

There are surgical options, like Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass, as well as non-surgical options, like Gastric Balloon, for losing weight. The surgical procedures are done laparoscopically as a restrictive, malabsorptive, or combination of the two. The following are the most effective and prominent surgeries down in Canada, U.S. and Mexico:

  • Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG)
  • RNY Gastric Bypass / Gastric Mini-Bypass


Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG)

Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy or Gastric Sleeve Surgery is quickly becoming the sought-after bariatric surgery. Gastric sleeve is done laparoscopically by making five or six small incisions, or in the case of a Single-Incision Gastric Sleeve, only one or two incisions. The stomach volume is reduced by 85% by removing it along the greater curvature.

With thousands of success stories, patients are satisfied with the positive weight-loss results from gastric sleeve surgery. The gastric sleeve can provide permanent weight-loss for people who are struggling to maintain their weight. At MBC we help connect patients with qualified bariatric surgeons in Mexico quickly, helping patients lose weight and become a success story.

Many patients who’ve undergone gastric sleeve surgery, had previously had another bariatric surgery. Sometimes patients undergo Gastric Banding (Lap-Band Surgery) with disappointing results or want a permanent solution to help maintain their weight. So patients who’ve undergone gastric sleeve surgery successfully may just have to maintain weight loss, instead of actually lose weight.

Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass is done laparoscopically by making five or six small incisions, inserting the plastic tubes, and introducing the instruments necessary to allow the surgeon to manipulate the intestines. First, the surgeon turns the full-size stomach into a tiny pouch and the remnant or the lower part of the stomach. Then, the intestine is divided downstream, that piece is hooked up to the small pouch and then connect them together in a “Y” shape.

It is important to note that no piece of the intestine is removed. When you consume food, it goes through the small stomach and gets mixed with the enzymes. This is when things start to get absorbed. That is how the signals to your brain are triggered to lower your body set-point and decrease your hunger and increase your metabolism

Weight Loss Surgery in Nova Scotia

A recent study shows Nova Scotia is among the most overweight and obese (BMI > 30) in Canada. They have the 2nd highest prevalence of obesity and Diabetes Type II (Nova Scotia Health Authority or NSHA). The wait time to get bariatric surgery in Canada is long and varies based on the Province (check out Nova Scotia’s wait time).

Nova Scotia Overweight and Obese Stats

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Nova Scotia 61.1 61.0 60.5 61.0 62.6
Males 68.1 67.9 69.5 64.2 68.5
Females 54.6 54.5 52.1 58.1 57.1

Surgery Options Covered and Wait Time in Nova Scotia

Wait Time
Nova Scotia
3 – 5 years

Mexico Bariatric Center’s specialized team of certified bariatric surgeons, along with top certified facilities, provides alternatives to Canadians from Nova Scotia to fight obesity. MBC’s all-inclusive bariatric packages offer reliable, affordable, and safe weight loss surgery in Tijuana, Mexico.

About Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia (New Scotland) is one of the three eastern Canada’s Maritime provinces and one of the four in the Atlantic. With over 8,200 miles of stunning coastline, Nova Scotia consists of a peninsula and offshore islands, and it is home to puffins and seals. Nova Scotia is popular for watersports, like kayaking, and whale-watching. The Bay of Fundy’s tides is the largest in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Nova Scotia was populated by Acadians – Acadia was a colony from New France that occupied parts of eastern Quebec, the Maritime provinces (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Magdalen Islands, and Prince Edward Island), and modern-day Maine to the Kennebec River in much of 17th and 18th centuries.

Its capital, Halifax, is a major business center and is known for its Citadel looking over its harbor, lively waterfront, and Victorian-era Public Gardens. Halifax was originally founded as a fortress city. The outbreak of World War I flourished its economy.

halifax-explosion-300x145The explosion of 1917, the largest non-nuclear detonation in history, was a disaster that ruined the city. On the morning of Dec 6, two ships ran into each other in the Narrows, a strait connecting upper Halifax Harbor to Bedford Basins: SS Mont-Blanc, the French cargo ship carrying coal and wartime explosives collided with the Norwegian vessel SS Imo. Richmond district of Halifax was flattened – 2,000 people were killed by debris, fires, and collapsed buildings, and 9,000 others were injured.

New Glasgow in Nova Scotia has been named the worst place to live in Canada. It has high crime, poverty, unemployment, and poor infrastructure.

Patient Success Story

All of the following success stories have come from real patients who’ve undergone bariatric surgery in Mexico. These patients are real, their results are real, and their testimony is real.

“I researched WLS and decided on the Vertical Sleeve. Then I researched Mexico Bariatric Center. After all my research, I was confident that MBC was the medical tourism company for me. My surgery was on September 21, 2012, in Tijuana, Mexico. When I met my doctor, Dr. Valenzuela, it was the morning of my surgery. She was kind and compassionate. After my surgery, the hospital staff was beyond anything I’ve ever experienced…” – Weight Loss Surgery Patient

Hi [Mexico Bariatric Center],

I just wanted to let you know that everything went really well with the surgery. It was so much easier than I expected, and it was a great experience. Dr. Valenzuela is the best. She was so attentive and explained everything before, during, and after. I did not see anyone else’s doctor come to check on them nearly as much as Dr. Valenzuela checked on his patients. Awesome! All went really smoothly and I am feeling great. Thanks for all your help! – Adriana

Nova Scotia Gastric Sleeve Patient Testimonial – Tracy lives in Nova Scotia, Canada. The wait times in Nova Scotia for weight loss surgery are in excess of 10 years. She decided to go with MBC in Tijuana to do her surgery for inexpensive weight loss surgery. She praises the private hospital and doctors in Tijuana.

How to Find a Safe Bariatric Surgery in Mexico

Canadians can get weight loss surgery offered by the individual provincial government at no cost, however, is hard to get approved and the waitlist is too long (2 to 15 years). They are required individuals to have tried to lose weight by lifestyle modification (diet & exercise) without success, have a BMI higher than 40, or have a BMI of 35 with obesity-related diseases. Patients needing surgical treatment to fight obesity, seek medical services over the border in countries like Mexico.

Lately, a slew of new companies and surgeons have been mushrooming. There it is crucial to know not all bariatric surgery outfits for medical tourism in Mexico are the same. You need to do your research to find the one that is dedicated to the patient’s care and success. Here are a few pointers to help you go through a successful weight loss surgery in Mexico:

  • Look for board-certified bariatric surgeons
  • Bariatric surgeons with skills, experience, and proven patient outcome
  • Bariatric surgeons that do limit their surgeries per day
  • Bariatric surgeons that attend national and international conferences
  • Bariatric surgeons who use FDA-approved supplies
  • Look for all-inclusive packages that include at least 2 nights in a hotel, surgical fees, at least 2 nights in the hospital, pre-op and post-op tests, medications, transportation, etc.
  • Be aware of the hidden costs and their advertised prices
  • Go through U.S. companies
  • Companies that have been in business for years
  • Companies that are high-rated BBB members
  • Make sure they are not fly-by-night and one-man shop types
  • Look for Medical Tourism Association membership and certification
  • Look for a certified hospital and not a surgery center
  • Look for after-care
  • Look for a nutritionist

Patients go through top bariatric medical tourism companies, like Mexico Bariatric Center, to save money and time. Based on the province you reside in, you may be able to get reimbursed by the insurance (the surgery itself only).

Safe Mexico Weight Loss Surgery

Mexico Bariatric Center (MBC) is a leader in metabolic and bariatric surgeries in Tijuana, Mexico. MBC’s experienced team of bariatric surgeons (comprised of 4 surgeons) and qualified staff are on top of their game.

MBC has been in bariatric medical tourism for over 10 years. MBC is a U.S. (California) corporation and BBB A+ rated company. MBC’s corporate office, near Sacramento, CA, has over 14 staff members. MBC team of specialized surgeons have over 10 years of experience and 10,000 surgeries together. MBC surgeons are attending national and international seminars. MBC surgeons use FDA- approved Ethicon and Covidien staplers. MBC packages are all-inclusive and transparent, with no hidden fees. MBC limits its surgeons to 3 surgeries per day per surgeon. MBC uses a certified dedicated bariatric hospital with 4 operating rooms. MBC has a surgeon liaison and a nutritionist on its staff. MBC has an extensive after-care program for patient’s success.

If you have tried diet programs, like Keto, and have been unsuccessful and the wait time in your province it too long, weight loss surgery in Mexico is the quick way to lose weight and keep it off affordably Contact us to learn more about the life-changing bariatric surgery in Tijuana, Mexico!!!

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