Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Tijuana Mexico

Gastric Sleeve Surgery – Overview

What is Obesity?

Obesity, as defined by having too much body fat, is a chronic disease that is spreading worldwide and needs serious attention. Canada is one of the top countries with obesity and co-morbidities problem. A recent study of unhealthiest countries in the world ranked Canada as the 14th country on the list. It has 30% obesity rate (body mass index BMI of 30 or more).

Obesity is not a character flaw and is a source of many other illnesses such as:

  • Diabetes Type II
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • A Certain Type of Cancer
  • Depression
  • Degenerative Arthritis
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Social Issues
  • Relationship Problems

See If You Pre-Qualify

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Gastric Sleeve to Treat Obesity

Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (Gastric Sleeve), is one of the most effective weight loss surgery for people dealing with obesity. With the advancement of medical technology, Gastric Sleeve is now accomplished laparoscopically. It is performed either with 4 to 5 small incisions of ¼ to ½ inch on the stomach or a single incision about 1 inch at the belly button.

During Gastric Sleeve Surgery, part of the stomach is removed and a new tube shape is created to restrict the amount of food. A good portion of the hunger hormones, called Ghrelin, is also removed that helps individuals not get as hungry. Surgery typically takes an hour and patients stay in the hospital for approximately one or two days.

The surgery helps with comorbidities associated with obesity, these can be:

  • Type 2 diabetes 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Joint problems 
  • Sleep apnea
  • High cholesterol

This surgery is irreversible and is successful when the patient changes their eating habits and commit lifelong to becoming healthy.

Typically weight loss with gastric sleeve is slightly slower than that of a gastric bypass patient. According to the medical center at University Of Pittsburgh, patients lose 50 to 80 percent of their excess body weight within a year after surgery. Gastric sleeve procedure has a very high success rate (80% to 90%). Overall, gastric sleeve is a type of surgery that will make a patient feel full faster. which limits what they eat and in turn, drives them to lose weight.

Many individuals who are extremely obese or have specific health problems are not eligible for gastric bypass surgery. For these patients, the gastric sleeve procedure is done in order to help them lose weight and become healthier. This process usually takes two to three years.

How Gastric Sleeve Surgery Works

Initially, gas (CO2) is introduced to “inflate” the abdominal cavity to make room for the incision to be made. As mentioned before, small incisions are made on the abdomen in which a laparoscope is inserted through a trocar. This device has a tiny camera that allows the surgeon to view inside the stomach on a computer screen. The surgeon will remove about three-quarters of the stomach and create a new stomach in a tube or sleeve shape.

This will span from the esophagus to the small intestine. A bougie is inserted through the mouth to calibrate the cut of the stomach to the proper shape and size. An advanced instrument that cuts and staples (in 3 rows) at the same time is used to take the extra stomach.

The surgeon then sutures over the staple line for the safety of the bariatric procedure (inverted gastric sleeve). This helps aid digestion and limits the amount of food intake that is absorbed in the body, leading to weight loss.

After surgery, a patient may feel body aches, temperature changes, changes in energy levels, dry skin or mood changes. They all relate to losing weight rapidly. Another discomfort patients may experience is pain from some of the remaining CO2 inside the abdominal cavity. Patients are advised to start walking after surgery and use the Gas-X strip.

Happy woman on scale

Expected Weight Loss After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

In general, the weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery can be divided into 3 periods:


First Year

First Year – Gastric sleeve patients lose an average of 65% of their EWL (Excess Weight Loss). This period is called a “honeymoon” since patients lose weight regardless of how compliant they are with their diet.


Third Year

Three Years – Gastric sleeve patients lose an average of 55% of their EWL. Genes become as important as the patient’s environment and compliance with your sleeve post-op diet and physical activity.


Ten Year

Ten Years – Gastric sleeve patients lose an average of 50% of their EWL. The environment and healthy habits play a much larger role than genes. Just stick to the gastric sleeve post-op diet.

Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico Right for Me?

Gastric sleeve surgery has a proven track record to produce effective, significant and sustained weight-loss. To see if gastric sleeve surgery is the right choice for you, here are the things to consider:

  • Your BMI
  • Expected Weight-Loss
  • Reasons to do the Surgery
  • Level of Commitment
  • Fear of Needles
  • Fear of Unknown
  • Eating Habits

Things not to consider:

  • Lowest Price Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico
  • Loose Skin

Gastric Sleeve Risks

With any surgery, there are risks. For those partaking in Gastric Sleeve surgery, they may include blood clots, leakages, restriction, bleeding or infection. The bariatric surgeon will review all potential complications and risks with a patient prior to surgery.

Before deciding to endure Gastric Sleeve surgery, the risks and the overall changes made to one’s life should be considered.

Hiatal Hernia Repair

According to recent studies, patients who undergo Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) in combination with a Hiatal Hernia (HH) repair have improvement in Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) symptoms. Successful weight loss can be achieved with no reflux symptoms when HH is repaired during LSG procedure.

Canada’s Gastric Sleeve Covered Services

Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve (LSG) is covered in the following provinces:

  • British Columbia
  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan
  • Manitoba
  • Ontario Quebec
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • New Brunswick
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Yukon Northwest Territories

The patient needs to have tried to lose weight with lifestyle modifications. Have a BMI of over 40 or BMI of 35 with co-morbidities to qualify for these covered services.

Moreover, the wait time is too long, i.e. it is up to 12 years to wait in certain provinces. Private clinics in Canada perform gastric surgeries, such as gastric sleeve, but the cost is over $19,000.

Mexico Offers Affordable Gastric achieve-long-term-weight-loss (1)Sleeve Packages

Mexico Bariatric Center offers reliable and safe Gastric Sleeve in Mexico packages at a fraction of the prices compared to Canada. It is reported that patients with obesity problems have to wait up to 12 years to receive this life-saving treatment.

Canadians can take advantage of quality and affordable gastric sleeve in Tijuana, Mexico to save money and avoid long wait time. Depending on the province you live, you may be able to get reimbursed for the surgery part of the package.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico Process?

  • Contact our helpful Mexico Bariatric Center’s Patient Coordinators
  • Get Approved for weight loss surgery by the surgeon of your choice – it takes 24 to 48 hours to get approved
  • Book and Schedule your surgery
  • Consult MBC’s Nutritionist
  • Begin your Pre-Operative Diet
  • Undergo Surgery
  • Consult with MBC’s Nutritionist to develop a healthy lifestyle

What Does MBC’s Mexico Gastric Sleeve Packages Include?MBC-package-prices (2)

Study Shows Gastric Sleeve Most Favorable for Morbid Obesity

According to a study in the Annals of Surgery by Dr. Matthew M. Hutter, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy showed the most viable treatment for the morbidly obese. Not only did it show the best weight loss rates, but also the lowest number of complications for patients.

After studying 3,000 gastric sleeve patients, the number for complications (2.4%) was lower than any other type of bariatric surgery. The surgery also showed 77% higher excess body weight loss for these patients. They also reported a large return in terms of remission in obesity-related conditions such as sleep apnea, diabetes, and hypertension.

The Surgery for Obesity and Related Disease journal says that laparoscopic surgery was first intended for high-risk patients. This was before laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or as the first step of biliopancreatic diversion duodenal switch. Evidence provides that surgery is the most effective of all treatment options for patients.

According to a study of 68 patients, the average BMI lost after 1 year was 61.5% and two years was 61.1%. This shows consistent weight loss. Their study showed that 50% of individuals who had adjustable gastric banding experienced a BMI still above 35. The study also reported that the gastric sleeve procedure dramatically improved conditions in patients such as:

  • Diabetes
  • hypertension 
  • depression high cholesterol
  • sleep apnea

Researchers at Henry Ford Hospital in Michigan found evidence that this procedure is safe and offers patients the best outcome. Their study showed that those who underwent sleeve gastrectomy had a better safety profile than those who chose gastric bypass.

The study reports that these patients also had better weight loss results, increased chances of remission for various medical conditions as well as a better quality of life. The study was conducted as a part of the Michigan Bariatric Surgery Collaborative in an issue of Annals of Surgery.

These patients in their study also experienced fewer dietary restrictions and feel less hungry then bypass patients. This leads to an increased amount of weight loss after surgery. This study began 30 days after the patient’s surgery. We monitored them for a period of time during their new lifestyle change.

All three studies prove that in terms of weight loss surgery, the gastric sleeve provides the best weight loss and improvement of medical conditions in the long term.

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